
Welcome to LGDA

LGDA (Lower Guruve Development Association) is a Community-Based Organisation (CBO) registered in Zimbabwe under the Private Voluntary Organisations Act (PVO) way back in 1991 with the registration number PVO 15/91. It is a successor of an international Christian organisation (Lutheran World Federation) that operated in the then Lower Guruve (now Mbire District) area from 1984 to 1990. ... The organisation’s overall goal is overcoming the social, economic and ecological constraints to development for the benefit of Communities. Initially LGDA catered for the population of Mbire District but has since spread its operations to other Districts in Zimbabwe. The Governing Body of LGDA is composed of rural farmers as well as technical experts while Management staff are hired on the basis of professional qualifications and competency. Since inception, we have partnered with several organisations in uplifting lives of vulnerable and marginalised communities. These partners include the World Food Programme (UN), Oxfam GB, CRS, Civic Forum on Human Development, Practical Action, Global Environment Facility for small grants projects. (UN), Volens, Oxfam Novib, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Simavi, UNICEF (UN), FAO (UN), KerkinActie, CIAT, and Action Aid Zimbabwe International. For a detailed history of LGDA

Giving Back Power To the People
Mbire District Spotlight Initiative Bicycle Hand-Over Ceremony at LGDA Training Centre
Sand abstraction water systems for Masoka Rural Communities
16 Days of Activism Against GBV 2021

16 Days of Activism Commemorations at Neshangwe Primary School, Mbire District under the theme“ End Violence Against Women now, No to Child Marriages

Bwazi Weir Dam
Community members from Bwazi Village working on the construction of their weir dam<