Frequently Asked Questions

We have offices in Guruve (Head Office), Mushumbi, Mahuwe and Kanyemba. The organisation’s Head Office is in Guruve District, Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe. Please check our contact page to get more details

The organisation’s Head Office is in Guruve District, Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe

Currently, Lower Guruve Development Association (LGDA) operates in Mashonaland Central’s Guruve, Mazowe, Mbire, Muzarabani and Rushinga Districts and Mashonaland West Province’s Chegutu, Makonde and Sanyati Districts.

The name Lower Guruve Development Association is rooted from the organisation’s origins. LGDA was formed by communities in Mbire District (lower Guruve), which was then part of Guruve District. As the organisation’s call for development work increased, it has since spread its wings to other districts and provinces.

The organisation has a five-year strategic plan which runs from 2021 to 2025 and has four strategic pillars which are Food and Nutrition Security and Livelihoods, Socioeconomic Empowerment, WASH and Humanitarian Response. Under these strategic pillars, the organisation implements resilience building programmes, food systems programmes, water and sanitation, gender equality and sustainable livelihoods programmes. You can visit the Programmes to find out more about the programmes we are involved in.

No/Yes, but the organisation does not usually take interns and students on attachment.

Once Lower Guruve Development Association advertises for open posts, applications can be sent via email to and . However, only applications sent in response to an advertisement will be considered. You are advised to quote the vacancy number when applying.