

Over the years, LGDA has transformed communities and touched the lives of some individuals in more ways than one. Below are a few testimonials from some of the beneficiaries of LGDA.

John Kanjera
Mr John Kanjera

My name is John Kanjera, a fourth born in a family of eight. l was born and bred in Mhoramasaka Village in Mbire District on the 23 rd of March 1988. Just like most rural areas in Zimbabwe, Mbire suffered a lot of neglect from the Colonial regime which made our life difficult when growing up. I found that too good to be true as l saw myself stuck between categories and definitions to an ... extent that l began seeing my dreams of becoming one of the literally educated and great people in our Chibvongodze Village, as it is affectionately known, becoming a curse which was accompanied by a lot of high hopes where clearly was no hope. All that could not stop me from working so hard in school. In 2005, l finished my Ordinary Level at Mushumbi Government Boarding School and passed with flying colours. It was my dream and had always wished to proceed to Advanced Level but l could not make it due to financial constraints. We had a tough time in our family. Without any means and ways to ensure that l proceed with my education, l applied for a scholarship to a number of International Organisations to no avail. In 2007, my prayers were answered when l got in touch with the Lower Guruve Development Association (LGDA) Volunteer Mr Noel Zuze, who connected me to LGDA Staff. Through Lower Guruve Development Association’s assistance, l was awarded a scholarship and immediately enrolled at Makuvatsine High School in Mbire District. The association well looked after me and tuition, groceries and uniforms were provided. It was a dream come true and my future became bright for l had been opportuned to taste the sweetness of my destiny. In November 2008, l then sat for my Advanced level exams and got eight points. My whole life changed and had it not been because of this generosity extended towards me by these Icons of love, l would not have been the great person l am today. As a result of the dire economic situation in our country, the Association could not make it for me to proceed to University but l honour their generosity and l wish one day l would imitate them. Thus, l have been in between contract employment using these academic certificates and l have to some extent managed to take good care of my family. With all this little l get, l give all due respect to #team LGDA for empowering me with the qualifications l hold so dearly. Hopes for a brilliant destiny haven’t fade out, and currently l am a first year student at Zimbabwe Open University where l am studying Records Management.Thank you so much #teamLGDA.You are and you will be always my knight in a shiny armour.

Mr John J. N. Batani

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” —Randy Pausch
Allow me to express my utmost and unreserved gratitude to Lower Guruve Development Association (LGDA) for the role they played in my life. After passing my GCE Ordinary Level examinations with flying colours to the extent of being the best student in ...in the district (9 As and a B), the LGDA, through the-then Executive Director, the late Mr Ephraim Murendo, offered me a scholarship to proceed with my studies. Someone advised me to approach LGDA for a GCE Advanced Level scholarship, and heeded their advice. I went to LGDA and asked them for assistance, and indeed they came to my rescue though they were not funding any students at that level (I am so much indebted to the late Mr Ephraim Murendo, the then LGDA Executive Director who made the decision to consider despite them not funding any students). To me, that was a prayer answered. They immediately advised me to look for a place at any school of my choice, preferably in Mashonaland Central Province. I got a place at St. Philips Magwenya High School where I was admitted as a boarder, and was later appointed the headboy in the same year. Let me hasten to mention that LGDA immediately committed to taking care of my fees till university. I passed my GCE Advanced Level with flying colours as well, and in 2008 I enrolled at Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) to study towards an honours degree in Information Technology (then Information and Communication Technology). They paid for all my university expenses in full for the first three semesters. Due to funding constraints, they failed to see me through my university studies. By God’s grace, I managed to complete my BSc degree and passed with flying colours as well. In 2013, I got employed in Zambia as a Systems Designer/ Programmer before returning to Zimbabwe in August of the same year. I became a relief teacher between September 2013 and February 2014, before joining CUT as a Teaching Assistant in April 2014. I immediately enrolled for an MSc degree in Information Systems (July 2014-June 2016), which I also passed. In January 2017, I enrolled for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education which I passed with first class and was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Award. I am currently studying for a PhD in Information Systems and Technology at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in South Africa. What I am right now, and all the strides I have made in my life, I owe them to LGDA. I would want to sincerely express my heartfelt gratitude to all the donors who funded and are still funding LGDA. Though they failed to see me through my BSc studies, I greatly appreciate the assistance they extended to me. My appeal to donors is that they continue funding this community-based organisation which has had an indelible mark in the lives of many. There are many intelligent children in Zimbabwe who are dropping out of school due to financial constraints. If I were at liberty, I could mention some of them by names. To LGDA, my appeal is please continue doing the good work, and please also help others who are in need of your assistance. I am hopeful and confident in the current leadership, having known Mrs Sekai Janga for almost 2 decades. I would want to thank all the funders, donors and partners of LGDA, and the LGDA team that embraced me as one of their own. I really felt part of the LGDA team. Thank you and love you all guys, even those who are no longer with LGDA now. The loving LGDA team took me as one of their children - Mr Ephraim Murendo, Mrs Sekai Janga, Mr George Chabaya (mukoma George, as I would affectionately call him), Mrs Eulitta and many more. I can hardly forget the lovely smile of Mr Stoney Nyangwaru and the motherly love of Mai Simba. In fact, it was through a research by Mr George Chabaya and Mrs Sekai Janga (who asked some teachers at St. Francis for advice on best programmes to study at the time) that I studied Information Technology. Thanks once more team!